About Us
The phenomenon of Internet blogs as a tool for building communication with the target audience did not appear long ago. Originally, by blogging was meant a regularly updated online diary, on the pages of which the author shared his news, thoughts, creative exersises, travel reports and other personal information with the readers. Today the blogosphere has changed its vector a little, becoming a wider space, attractive, first of all, for business. It is actively used for one purpose or another:
- manufacturing enterprises;
- companies representing the service industry;
- trading companies;
- non-profit organizations and foundations;
- political parties;
- all kinds of public associations.
Blogs are attractive because of their accessibility and versatility. Within their framework almost every company gets a chance to inform its potential client or customer this or that information in an interesting and fascinating way, devoid of advertising formalism and obtrusiveness.
A quality blog becomes an effective tool both in the hands of a new market entrant and when operated by a company with a long history in the industry. It suits both an international corporation and an individual entrepreneur. It is the most flexible solution which gives a stable result and helps to solve a variety of tasks.
Types of blogs and their purpose
Classical blog is an independent website or a section of a corporate page of a company, where there is a regular (usually daily) placement of thematic information in the form of short text notes, accompanied by graphics, photos, other multimedia content, depending on the resource. Through this format of presenting information, the blog owner can share with readers:
- thematic materials;
- industry news;
- Texts containing useful information on a particular issue;
- entertaining content;
- information about additions to the model range;
- photos of new products;
- all kinds of promotions and advertising offers.
Nowadays, Internet marketing deals with several varieties of online diaries. Depending on the author of the resource are distinguished:
- Impersonal blogs, which are maintained mainly to make money online, are devoted to one topic and offer versatile information within the chosen direction;
- author’s blogs, belonging to specific people (most often – famous, having a certain weight in one field or another) and offering an individual vision of the world of a specific person, containing his thoughts, analytics, products of creativity;
- Corporate blogs, conducted on behalf of a particular company and telling about the activities of the company, its place in the market, current achievements, plans, developments, innovations, contracts concluded, projects completed, etc.
Depending on the format of the blog, its authorship and goals, which are set before this resource, there is formed and the corresponding content for it, chosen a certain style of text, the way of presentation of the material.
How to achieve popularity and attendance of the corporate blog?
Every blog can become a source of profit for its owner. Well promoted and competently maintained resources have a chance to acquire a lot of subscribers, gain a certain weight in the Internet community, become an authoritative source of information for other sites/publications.
Blogs are relevant for solving PR tasks, forming or adjusting the image of a company or a specific person, finding a target audience and making contact with it, conducting online promotions, effectively positioning goods and services, regularly informing clients about the promotion of certain events.
Successful blogs that achieve heights and become benchmarks usually meet a number of criteria:
- are created on the basis of high-quality and unique material;
- they are created and filled with a specific reader/consumer in mind;
- are constantly updated, offering useful, interesting, varied but on-topic content;
- Have effective tools for audience retention (RSS-subscription, email distribution)
- offer the public not only to passively read texts and articles, but also to actively participate in their discussion, to follow links, to participate in drawings for prizes;
- Have integration with mobile platforms and social networks, which promotes the dissemination of materials on the Internet.
Blogging on behalf of a company is a great responsibility, because the wrong presentation of information, careless structuring of articles, boring content, unverified data, poor-quality multimedia text accompaniments can reduce the reader’s interest, change his opinion about the blog/company for the worse and even make him unsubscribe from the resource.