Rules of Writing

Blog articles or blog text content is the most important component of the successful life of your brainchild. We very often hear “Content is King!” And in order for it really to be so, you have to follow some rules.
To begin with, in order to create a good article you should think very carefully about its topic.
And to do this, you need to answer three questions:
- What will your article be about. You should clearly understand the subject of the article, because you will have to choose the key request for it, and you should estimate your expertity in this matter.
- For whom is the article intended. This is a question of the target audience. The owner of the blog knows it for sure. But still, for a specific article, you need to determine a specific audience.
- Why and why you are writing an article on this topic. Simply put – what is the purpose of writing this article. The answer to this question will specificize the article itself and make it more relevant.
Rule 1: Expertise or usefulness of text content
A very important rule. On your site will be a large flow of visitors only if the information is useful. It should be remembered that people on the Internet looking for information only. This can be, for example, the schedule of trains, or the latest world news, or information about a very interesting plug-in… No matter!
In any case – it’s information! And it should be useful for your visitor, which means the author of the article should show his expertise. Only in this case, people will come to your site, and most importantly – will return more than once. Realizing that it is on this blog they will get the most useful information.
- Gathering information. In any case, no matter how much of an expert on the topic you are, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the materials of other authors. Never stop at one resource. It is desirable to study the information of several authors and many sources. Rely on facts, if possible. It may take more than one day. But it is better to be thoroughly prepared than to feel guilty about your publication later.
- an analysis of your competitors. This is to understand how complete your competitors’ information is. And whether you can add anything new on this topic. And also it would be good to understand what kind of keys they used, the volume of the article, the structure of the article. Studying these questions, you can write an article on a given topic better and more complete.
Rule 2: Optimize your article for the blog
Why does this point come second? Because after collecting the information you need to start preparing to optimize the article. And you must start with the selection of the key for the article. Remember that for the article picked up only one keyword. But it should pick up clearly on the topic.
Selection is done on the resources of Yandex and Google. How this is done now will not discuss. Let me just remind you that be sure to use operators in the selection of keywords.
Another point. Often young bloggers use high-frequency keywords. This means that your article will compete with popular and “heavy” resources. In the first stages such a game will not be in favor of a young blog. Therefore, write articles for low-frequency keywords. With their use, the promotion of your blog will go more successfully.
The volume of articles to date, search engines are welcome to 800 words. The minimum number – 300 words. This figure is usually included in the SEO plugins. There is no need to artificially increase the volume. It is better to do some extra work and pick up the material. An empty increase in the volume of the article increases its water content, “do not pour water”. “Water” is very low relevance, which leads to lower scores of the text by search engines.
Rule 3. The relevance of the information
It is important that the information in the article would be specific and relevant to the key query. If the article is broken down into paragraphs, then the information in the paragraphs should correspond to the subject of their titles. And the paragraph headings are the points of the article plan that was written when collecting the information. Relevancy is an important indicator when and content is evaluated by search engines.

Rule 4. Writing literacy
Writing literacy is very important. If there are spelling errors, the visitor will simply leave your site, and unfortunately, will not return. Evaluation of search engines will also be negative. Therefore, after writing a thoroughly proofread the article and fix the errors. Edit the stylistics.
Feel free to write articles for the blog in your “native” language, without extremes, of course. Do not try to state the essence of the article in abstruse and dreary stamps… Your visitor should be interested and understandable.
I advise you to “see” your target audience clearly. And make every effort to communicate with it in its language. This is one of the important moments of communication on the blog.
Even when replying to comments you need to remember your style. And so as not to “break” yourself, your “native” language, try to communicate naturally.
Rule 5. The uniqueness of the text
I must say that not only the text should be unique, but virtually the entire blog, starting from the template and ending with videos and images. But for the text – special requirements. Your site should not be a low-quality rewrite.
If you still decide to retell a part of some interesting information of others – be very careful. It is understandable that sometimes it’s difficult to find a topic for an article, and you refer to other people’s sites. And eventually, having picked up the article, you just start retelling it. But nowadays, search engines can detect retellings very easily and they don’t like this information at all. Therefore, the very first rule – only unique text.
Rule 6. Formatting
Format the content. Remember, your visitor first evaluates the information “diagonally. That is, picks up the phrases that are highlighted in bold. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the main and the most tidbits in the text.
You should never write a continuous text, be sure to break it up into paragraphs. A continuous text is very hard to read, the visitor’s eye is tired (such physiology), and it just closes your page.
According to statistics, the visitor evaluates the page in tenths of a second. And if his brain assesses the article as difficult to read – he not only closes it, but will not come back to you. No matter how interesting the information on your site is laid out.
Don’t forget about images. It is desirable to break up textual information with interesting pictures. But do not forget about their optimization. As you can see, the rules are very simple, you have to stick to them and your site will get extra movement forward.