What is a blog?
Through blogs, people from all over the world began to write the daily life of the world inside the web. But what is a blog, anyway? The word blog had its origin in the terms “Web” and “Log” that together form Weblog until reaching its final blog variation. Blogs were so called because they had a peculiar format of periodic updates of personal content.
Due to the clothes that blogs have gained since they emerged, the definition of what they are may not be exact, but going back to the beginning of the Internet, when it gained popularity, blogs were born as a proposal for journals with publications of thoughts, poetry, photos and personal texts.
A blog is fun, conversation, daydreaming, life, entertainment, but it is also information, utility and denunciation. While a European tourist tells about his unforgettable trip to Tibet and a Brazilian tells about his team’s last goal, a Japanese denounces the indiscriminate killing of whales in his country.
What are today’s blogs like?
You may not know what a blog is yet, but it’s very likely that you’ve already entered one of them. The format of periodic updates with personal content is already a reality in the lives of many web users and with their popularity in its informative power, it is already an integral part of websites of companies, giants of the press and opinion makers who use the blog as a means to disseminate news, information and opinion.
How to differentiate a blog from a news site?
Although the visual format may seem the same, the differences between what a blog is and a news site are great. Starting with the nature of the content, the blog has a personal character. Even if loaded with information, its content is basically opinionated and tends to present a bias of what is written. This is why the author of the text receives special attention in the body of the site.
It is very common in blogs to be able to comment on the subject of the text. The reader of the blogs can give opinions, add information, congratulate and even contradict, (when done with the intention of generating a healthy discussion on the subject).
The possibility of commenting is a special factor to generate opinion, since it gives rise to a direct conversation between the writer and the reader. That’s why we say that the great author of a blog is both the writer and the reader.
To the author of a blog we give the name of blogger. This is where we find another big difference: anyone can be a blogger. There is no need for academic or technical training.
There are also no limits to a blog, any subject can be treated. Just because a blog deals with garden related subjects, it does not mean that all its texts must be about plants. Its author, for example, may publish about his new smartphone that he won as a gift, a family party or a trip. As a blogger, you are free to publish whatever you want, but there are certain precautions, see below.

The responsibility in being a blogger.
Don’t create a blog and publish any text in your personal journal. We are under the care of a legislation that values your rights, but also keeps the rights of those around you. You are free to publish what you want, but your freedom will exist until such time as you do not hurt another’s right.
Slander and defamation must be far from your texts, even if your will is to publish them. In addition, on the intimate sphere, the care with publishing photos and personal texts must also be on the limits of common sense. If your blog is open to the public, people with bad intentions can use your content to take advantage of you.
Where to start?
With the advancement of blogging tools on the Internet, setting up a personal journal takes no more than a few seconds. Although there are many means and resources to have your texts published, some have gained notoriety due to their ease of registration, variety of tools and free use, see the main ones: WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Posterious and Twitter.
Through the tools informed above, you will be able to create your blog after a simple and fast registration. The features to upload photos, edit text and modify the look of the blog are also very simple to learn. In no time you will have a space on the internet for whatever your creativity desires.